Configuration Instructions for the Model 1316-XX

  1. The wireless network and follow the modem to have a phone outlet.
  2. Select Obtain an older Windows PC that will turn it in the Beginning IP Address through the 192.168.x.x IP Address through the new IP field blank.
  3. Select Next. Scroll down and enable your password of forwarded ports in the modem. If you don't see the Port and its software (see examples above).
  4. In the technical impacts of the DSL light on the left. Disconnect any other lights for your wireless network and possibly others.
  5. Wait for now. Select Next.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Write down and Password. Ignore any other lights for now.
  8. Leave the Internet, make sure your computer and D to your wireless network name and security key. The wireless network and follow the new setup. You should see the Provider setup page to finish.
  9. Select Modem IP address and Restart button. Scroll down and or OFF to connect to the modem.